Tuesday, September 8, 2009

All Plumbers Should Babysit!

Could someone please tell me when all of the nation's adolescent girls banned together and decided to inflict babysitting rates comparable to that of a plumber's hourly wage?

Okay maybe its not quite that close a race but come on...

The subject of babysitting recently came up as a topic of conversation in my mom's group. Back in the day, I was lucky to get $2.00 an hour. For that meager wage, I was expected to prepare dinner for the kids, tidy up the house, entertain the kids with both stimulating and exciting games and make sure the toys were put away at the end of the night.

Not anymore.

For $10.00 an hour, I get someone who will basically ensure the kids go to bed on time and will not be poised on the peak of the house when I get home at the end of the night. In addition, top notch shelf snacks are expected in addition to an extended cable package for premium channel surfing.

At 10 cents per Cheeto, I am tempted to fire the sitter and enjoy my clean house myself.

I admit that much of this is my fault. The truth be told is that I make things too easy for the sitter. In my quest to be the most perfect mom, typically I have the house cleaned, kids bathed and fed and a new movie in the DVD for entertainment.

Heaven forbid the sitter tell her mother what a pig sty my house is. Let's face it I used to rat out my neighbors when I was a babysitter.

Well, that's it. I have decided to turn over a new leaf.

The next time we have a babysitter, I am going to resist the urge to pretend that my house can compete with Martha Stewart's. I will make sure the children are tired, dirty and unfed.

"Welcome to my disaster zone! Here is the phone number where we can be reached in an emergency. There has got to be something in the pantry or freezer you can make for dinner. Bedtime by 8:30. Bye!"

At least I will know I got my money's worth.

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